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thinking out loud

Jan 19, 2006

This message, the first on the series, "Sex and the Suburbs - Discovering God's Design for Our Sexuality," was shared by Terry Timm at the January 15, 2006 worship gathering of Christ Community Church of the South Hills.

sixteen and a half years ago

wow gold,

Amy Brooks
over nineteen years ago

Thank you so much for providing this technology that I could listen to your messege. The only thing I missed was watching your hand gestures-- the only guy who talks with his hands more than I do. I appreciate the little slidy button so that I could listen to a part if I didnt get it the first time and I took lots of notes which helps my visual learning. And my shoes were off!

If there was ever a person that needed to be there it was me and Glenn. I made a tough judgement call to do some business and Glenn was ministering in Faith Factor. Maybe thats how God designed it. Its too raw for us now- or would everyone seen me elbow him when you said\" you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

But the soccor anology of a clean sheet would have come right back at me if a score card from college was kept on me--it was apalling.

Some Sunday mornings I would confess Thank God there is no marriage in Heaven. How can two people who live together have the feeling of being alone and so disconnected. How did that get so whacked?

Thanks for bring up the Sting concert-- I so wanted to messege you about his conflicted use of the word Sacred and the sexual visual -- I almost thought for a second he was coming to Jesus. I have seen him in interviews where he never really is taking a stance on any particuar topic he just rights lyrics. I so need your help when people use seemingly scriptual words thou shall not.... and he was worshiping sex!

You mentioned that you will not have a list of dos and donts but I appreciate your pointing to Christ Centered ethics and spiritually appropriate thinking. Amen and God Bless your messege on why Godly men are so sexy -- somebody elbow me now!!!!!