Jan 26, 2007
This song was performed live at a CCCSH Worship Gathering. Song mixed by Lavender Tessmer, Joe and Margie Veltri for Christ Community Church of the South Hills. CCLI License No. 2430641
Jan 26, 2007
This message by Terry Timm is the second in a series "Five Ways of Being the People of God" and was shared at the January 21, 2007 worship gathering of Christ Community Church of the South Hills.
Jan 19, 2007
This message by Terry Timm is the first in a series "Five Ways of Being the People of God" and was shared at the January 14, 2007 worship gathering of Christ Community Church of the South Hills.
Jan 9, 2007
This message is Terry Timm's Vision '07 talk and was shared at the January 7, 2007 worship gathering of Christ Community Church of the South Hills.
Jan 4, 2007
This message, based upon John 14:1-8, the conclusion to the Advent/Christmas series was shared by Marlaena Cochran at the December 31, 2006 worship gathering of Christ Community Church of the South Hills.